We are booked
We are booked

we are booked

‍ 👉 While other agencies just send you leads then make YOU do the followup, WE do all the followup for you and even book appointments. ‍ 👉 While other agencies simply discount your treatments, we’ve created a totally unique “value-offer” that generates leads like crazy, without having to discount.

We are booked cracked#

‍‍‍‍ Forever Booked has cracked the code of profitable aesthetic patient acquisition by doing the opposite of what every other marketing company does.

we are booked

‍ … Because if you don't, you’re going to miss out on a literal gold rush that is allowing our Medical Spa partners to GET PAID to acquire as many new aesthetic patients as they'll ever want or need. ‍ SOCIAL MEDIA ADS DON’T WORK ‍ I'm here to ask you to reconsider… just one last time. ‍ 👉 Follow up with all the leads (huge pain) 👉 Follow up to make sure appointments actually show (most don’t) 👉 Convince the patient they need a full PACKAGE, not just a one-off treatment (people usually just want their $9/unit Botox then it’s “bye-bye”.) ‍ Perhaps you’ve endured this disaster multiple times, only to throw in the towel and finally conclude that. (price shoppers and deal hunters) ‍ EVEN IF these Medical Spas get some bites on their promotion, they THEN have to. ‍ b) Offer discounts - which DOES generate interest but the wrong kind. ‍ a) Offer a free consultation - which generates little interest because consults are boring and scary to new patients. ‍ See, when it comes to using the internet to attract new patients, 99% of Medical Spas either. And they're achieving this by doing the exact OPPOSITE of what everyone else is doing. Right now in 2021, a secret group of Medical Spas are scooping up as many new aesthetic patients as they can possibly handle using Facebook & Instagram advertising….

we are booked

From The Desk Of: Graydon Ursel Toronto Ontario - January 2nd, 2021 DEAR MEDICAL SPA OWNER, DEAR MEDICAL Spa Owner:

We are booked